Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Orange Box on PS3 doesn't look THAT bad...

Yep. It looks quite good actually. Judging from this video anyway. I honestly can't tell the difference between the PS3 and 360 version just with this. However, there really are issues, notably framerate drops which are especially prominent in Half-Life 2. But overall, nothing that will throw the regular gamer off. Many games experience graphical problems even on the PC but are still great (Crysis is one notable example). And I personally don't care as long as the overall experience is at least satisfactory. The Orange Box is definitely something way above satisfactory, and the small problems in this PS3 port shouldn't even begin to overwhelm its greatness, though it could be much better. If you have a PS3 and are wondering whether to get Orange Box for PS3 or for PC, I believe you can get either version and have an equally great time.

Here's a HD video of Half-Life 2 for PS3.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would have to say that PS3 is much better than the Xbox 360...In my opinion only....